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Explore February 2024

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    Weekend A La Carte (February 17)

    A La Carte: Think you’re immune to adultery? / One of the most hopeful reminders about sanctification / What do we do with dreams and visions? / Have you ever asked your church elders to visit and pray for you? / The neurodivergent believer / Preaching advice for busy pastors / and more.

  • Free Stuff Fridays (Open the Bible)

    This week’s Free Stuff Friday is sponsored by Open the Bible. They encourage you to enter to win a series of books from Open the Bible and Pastor Colin Smith! Included in the giveaway are: For All Who Grieve by Pastor Colin Smith. Written with compassion and understanding, yet honestly facing the difficult questions that…

  • Moral Vision

    From Washington & Jefferson to Trump & Biden

    The United States has produced more than its fair share of fascinating figures. Over the course of its storied history, it has produced a host of figures who have shaped the nation, the continent, and the world. Many of these have been its presidents and politicians, though others have been its inventors, its business leaders,…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (February 16)

    A La Carte: What does the Bible say about dealing with divisive people? / How local churches can bridge a widening gender divide / Never preach to one person / Five pictures of the church / Two ways, two ends / and more.

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (February 15)

    A La Carte: This is what courage looks like / An important ministry skill no one talks about / Why you can’t get to heaven through the Mormon faith / Questions a pastor doesn’t want to ask / Christian displays of affection / Help! I don’t enjoy the Old Testament / and more.

  • When Goodbye Is Forever

    When Goodbye Is Forever

    I didn’t know that I would be saying goodbye to my son for the last time. How could I have known? He was only 20 years old, still in the prime of life, still living in as safe a spot as any. There was no reason to assume, no reason to be concerned, no reason…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (February 14)

    A La Carte: He knows the mysteries of the womb / Render unto Caesar challenges us all / You can’t reclaim the culture by having more kids / A gospel worthy of risk / God’s ordinary faithfulness / Bible animal trivia / and more.

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (February 13)

    A La Carte: A match (un)made in heaven / She will be saved through childbearing / Is Satan bound or is he the ruler of this world? / Why pastors should get a family wage / Christians are not ready for the age of ‘adult AI’ / and more.

  • Simplify Church Finances with Church Social’s Donation Tracking Feature

    This week the blog is sponsored by Church Social and is written by Jonathan Reinink. In 2 Corinthians 9, we’re taught that “God loves a cheerful giver”. Giving is an important part of church life as it’s a practical way for us to show our thankfulness to God for all he has blessed us with.…

  • Afraid of the Teenage Years

    Who’s Afraid of the Teenage Years?

    Many people cautioned me about the teenage years. Many people warned that the joys of parenting little ones would eventually give way to the grind of parenting bigger ones. They told me horror stories based on their own experiences, then assured me that I should prepare myself for all kinds of difficulties and all kinds…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (February 12)

    A La Carte: Find and protect the time you need to read / What to do when you long for encouragement / Living and dying in the hope of heaven / Graphic preaching / Should Christians pray the vengeance Psalms? / Kindle deals / and more.

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    Sunday A La Carte

    Sunday A La Carte: Abraham Lincoln’s unchurched faith / Alistair Begg’s controversy taught us something very important / John Piper on hidden sin and physical suffering / Why is loved call the greatest of these? / Your secrets keep you sick / and more.

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    Weekend A La Carte (February 10)

    A La Carte: After the snowmelts / Why I refuse to grumble / You don’t have to give your child a smartphone / I am confident / Wisdom will laugh at your expense / Book and Kindle deals / and more.

  • Free Stuff Fridays (D3 Youth Conference)

    Free Stuff Friday is sponsored by the D3 Youth Conference on the campus of Boyce College in Louisville, KY March 8-9, 2024. Parents and leaders of teens are always on the lookout for discipleship material. Today, you are invited to enter the Boyce College/D3 Giveaway to win those resources for free! That includes free tuition…

  • The Tallest Trees and the Strongest Winds

    The Tallest Trees and the Strongest Winds

    I once heard a fable about the trees of a mighty forest. Many years before, a few acorns had been scattered in especially fertile soil and they quickly sprang up first as mere saplings and then as mighty oaks. Because the soil was so rich, they grew quickly and they soon towered over all the…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (February 9)

    A La Carte: STDs in the USA / The second coming of Jesus Christ / The life beyond / Our too-strong longing to know God’s will / Are boycotts biblical? / House churches and big churches / and more.

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (February 8)

    A La Carte: Brock Purdy’s faith and family / Reflections on hearing Jordan Peterson / The place of gospel tracts in evangelism today / Limits to Christian liberty / The joy of imperfect creativity / and more.

  • He Was a Kind Man

    He Was a Kind Man

    What comes to mind when you think of R.C. Sproul? What do you remember of his life and ministry? What associations do you make when you hear his name? He was a gifted teacher, of course—probably the greatest pure teacher many of us have ever encountered. So many Christians first came to marvel at God’s…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (February 7)

    A La Carte: American evangelicalism as a controversy generator machine / Why we always need more books on every subject / How digital apps are changing how we read the Bible / Share even what’s sparse / Evil doesn’t always show up waving a flag / and more.

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (February 6)

    A La Carte: Anna who waited / The MrBeast within / You can’t appease the unreasonable / The ones who cook / When small frustrations boil over / Names repeated twice / and more.