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Explore September 2018

  • thursday

    A La Carte (September 20)

    There are, once again, a few different Kindle deals to check out. It has been a pretty good week! (Yesterday on the blog: The Joys (and the Limitations) of Male-Female Friendships) If We Lose the Meaning of “Justice,” We Lose the Gospel I really appreciate Amy’s careful distinction between justice and mercy. “Our ability to…

  • The Joys (and the Limitations) of Male-Female Friendships

    Newton’s third law tells us that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Though this law pertains to physics, it seems equally true in the realm of ideas. Recently, a renewed emphasis on the value of the Billy Graham/Mike Pence Rule as a means of protecting sexual fidelity has provoked an equal…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (September 19)

    Today’s Kindle deals include just a couple of minor deals. You may be interested in gaining access to a free teaching series by Ligonier Ministries. (Yesterday on the blog: New and Notable Christian Books for September) Grace Means Christians Should and Can Live Differently “Sickly saints that are on the mend give glory to the…

  • New and Notable Christian Books for September

    It’s that time again. I get a lot (a lot!) of books in the mail. I don’t have time to review them all, but once in a while I like to let you know about some that may be of particular interest to you. Here they are.  These are the books I introduce: Transcript…

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (September 18)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a couple of new deals from Crossway. (Yesterday on the blog: The Bit of Heaven the Heaven Tourism Books Never Touched) Parenting Daughters toward Godliness not Marriage Two aren’t incompatible, of course, but many put too little emphasis on the first of them. “My daughter has always been her own person.…

  • Act Now. Pay Later.

    This week the blog is sponsored by Moody Publishers and is written by Robert Wolgemuth the author of Lies Men Believe. Very late at night and into the morning, over runny cheese omelets and cold toast at an all-night diner with my friend, we had one of those conversations I was sure I would never…

  • The Bit of Heaven the Heaven Tourism Books Never Touched

    I am sure you remember all the heaven tourism books that cluttered the shelves of Christian bookstores a few years ago. This was a fad that was never going to last long, which is why authors and publishers were so quick to frantically churn out their own tales of unlikely visits to heaven. There was…

  • monday

    A La Carte (September 17)

    There is a pretty good list of Kindle deals to look at today. I have returned from my week-long trip to India. I was there primarily to visit sites related to my EPIC project, but I also had the opportunity to speak at a conference for pastors and to spend many, many hours getting to…

  • How We Worshipped

    How We Worshipped: Frequently Asked Questions

    For the past year I’ve been sharing occasional examples of orders of worship from Grace Fellowship Church, and have been doing so under the heading of How We Worshipped. Along the way I have received quite a few questions and requests for clarification. Today I’ve compiled a small list of answers to some of the…

  • Weekend A La Carte

    Weekend A La Carte (September 15)

    Today’s Kindle deals include just one newly-republished classic to consider for your collection. (Yesterday on the blog: What Makes the Spiritual Gifts Discussion Different) Why Millennials ARE Coming to Church This is quite consistent with our experience at Grace Fellowship Church. “There have been plenty of articles about why Millennials – those twenty somethings –…

  • Free Stuff Fridays

    Free Stuff Fridays (G3 Conference)

    This week’s Free Stuff Fridays is sponsored by G3 Conference, who also sponsored the blog this week. The G3 Conference exists for the local church. The purpose is to strengthen and encourage the local church — including both leaders and members. Therefore, as an attendee, you will find the entire weekend profitable for you on…

  • What Makes the Spiritual Gifts Discussion Different

    What Makes the Spiritual Gifts Discussion Different

    I am under the impression that the earliest Christians didn’t expend a lot of effort debating the cessation or continuation of the miraculous spiritual gifts. Their discussions did not revolve around wrongly denying the existence of active gifts or wrongly affirming the continuation of ceased gifts. After all, they clearly and undeniably saw the gifts…

  • friday

    A La Carte (September 14)

    I found just a handful of new Kindle deals. Meanwhile, Westminster Books has some solid deals on classic works published by Banner of Truth. They also have a lot of Cruciform books on sale, including many of mine. (Yesterday on the blog: How do You Choose A Bible Translation?) Favoritism in the Church “To prejudge…

  • How do You Choose A Bible Translation?

    We who speak English are blessed with a multitude of competing translations of the Bible. With so many possibilities, which should you choose? Here is at least one answer to this common question. Transcript Recently a reader got in touch to ask me about Bible translations. What translation do I use, what translation do I…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (September 13)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a few books you may want to look over. (Yesterday on the blog: When God Removes the Asterisks) Why Do We Work Hard at Our Work? “If we are going to spend this much time at work, shouldn’t we have a reason for doing so beyond the accumulation of money? In…

  • When God Removes the Asterisks

    When God Removes the Asterisks

    We like to whitewash our historical heroes. As we look to the great men and women of faith who lived and died before us, we face the temptation to rejoice in their strengths and to ignore their weaknesses. The same is true of our contemporary heroes. Though it is right and good to have human…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (September 12)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a few titles from Crossway. Westminster Books has a sale on volumes in the new ESV Expository Commentary series. (Yesterday on the blog: Have You Committed The Unpardonable Sin?) Let’s Just Be Honest and Admit We Hate One Another “Pick your debate. Pick your side. It might be something that actually…

  • Have You Committed The Unpardonable Sin?

    Have you ever wondered if you have committed that one unpardonable sin the Bible talks about? A lot of people spend a lot of time really concerned about this, so it may do them good to listen in as I talk about why I think it’s unlikely they have committed it. Transcript I think every…

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (September 11)

    Good morning from northern India! I am in India primarily to do research related to my EPIC project but I’m also spending a little time catching up with friends. Delhi Bible Fellowship South is hosting an lunch event beginning at noon on Sunday. If you’re in the area, I’d love to meet you there. I’ll…

  • The Mission of God

    This week the blog is sponsored by The G3 Conference. In January, we will gather in Atlanta for the annual G3 Conference—a theology conference for the Church (not just pastors and church leaders). This year could potentially be the most important conference we’ve had in recent years as the theme will center on missions. The…