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Explore February 2018

  • A La Carte (February 19)

    It is an especially good day for Kindle deals today. I’m sure you can find something there to satisfy you’re craving for a new book! (Yesterday on the blog: Go, Bear the Saviour’s Name…) Will You Still Know Me? This is a wonderful bit of writing. Trying to Get our Morals Back “In the wake…

  • Go, Bear the Saviour’s Name…

    In advance of my upcoming trip to Australia and New Zealand, I’ve been studying all I can find on the early history of Christianity in those two nations. Australia was settled by the British first, of course, and served as a kind of staging point for missionaries to reach New Zealand and the Pacific Islands.…

  • Weekend A La Carte (February 17)

    I’m spending a bit of time this weekend in beautiful British Columbia speaking at a men’s retreat. This is still and always one of my favorite areas of Canada, though I wouldn’t mind being just a bit deeper into the mountains… (Yesterday on the blog: Procrastination Is a Failure to Love) EPIC Evening in London…

  • Free Stuff Fridays

    Free Stuff Fridays (Compass Cinema)

    Compass Cinema has sponsored the blog this week and today they are giving away 5 copies of the Bible Study Set: Is Genesis History? Here is exactly what you will win: Explore what the Bible teaches about the first chapters of Genesis. This study complements the film Is Genesis History? by providing an in-depth look…

  • Procrastination

    Procrastination Is a Failure to Love

    I am, for the most part, an organized person. I actually wrote a whole book on productivity in which I laid out the system I used (and still use) to remain organized and, hopefully, effective in what I do. I have begun my days in roughly the same way for many years now, and have…

  • friday

    A La Carte (February 16)

    Today’s Kindle deals include not a whole lot that’s new. Over at Westminster Books you’ll find some good deals on books by David Powlison and others. (Yesterday on the blog: What’s Wrong with Christian Dating Part 2) Five Words of Hope in the Midst of Horrific Pain Denny Burk: “When horrific evil unfolds before our…

  • singleness and dating

    What’s Wrong With Christian Dating (Part Two)

    What has gone wrong with Christian dating? Join me for the second part of the discussion (see part one right here) of some common questions about Christian dating and purity. Transcript What qualities should you look for in a potential mate? Well, the very first quality you need to look for is salvation. The Bible…

  • A La Carte (February 15)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a pretty good variety crossing a bunch of different publishers. (Yesterday on the blog: What City Was Once “The Jerusalem of the East?”) Why Monday Is Your Most Productive Day Of The Week “You may be working for the weekend, but when it comes to actually getting work done, Monday is…

  • Six Reasons Reformed Christians Should Embrace Six-Day Creation

    This sponsored post was prepared by Director Thomas Purifoy Jr. on behalf of Is Genesis History?. When Is Genesis History? opened in theaters last year, we had no idea it would be the top-grossing Christian documentary for 2017. We were even more surprised when our distributor said it was bringing it for an Anniversary Event.…

  • Jerusalem of the East

    What City Was Once “The Jerusalem of the East?”

    “The Pyongyang Olympics” is how some are referring to the PyeongChang Winter Olympic Games. This can be a humorous play on words, drawing our attention to the similarity of the two names. But for most, the phrase sums up the attention that North Korea has received at the Olympics. Like the recent Wall Street Journal…

  • A La Carte (February 14)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a big selection from Zondervan, many of them heavy on theology. (Yesterday on the blog: What’s Wrong with Christian Dating) David Platt Is ready To Leave IMB This article from CT explains why David Platt has decided to step down from his role at IMB. The One Person Who Can’t Be…

  • What’s Wrong with Christian Dating

    What on earth has gone wrong with Christian dating? Why does it seem so much more difficult today than it was just a generation ago? In this video I discuss some common questions about dating and purity. It is available in both YouTube and Facebook formats. Transcript How should Christians approach dating in our culture…

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (February 13)

    Today’s Kindle deals include an entire collection of helpful little mini-books; there are a couple of other deals to be had as well. Westminster Books has a great sale on books by R.C. Sproul. (Yesterday on the blog: 4 Grave Dangers in Every Sin) The Danger of Gossip “The Lord loves a straight shooter. How…

  • Dangers in Every Sin

    4 Grave Dangers in Every Sin

    I have preached the truth a hundred times to others and a thousand times to myself: You can’t sin without consequence. That’s not the way God has structured his world. It’s not the way God has structured his people. For Christians, the ultimate consequences have been fully paid by Jesus Christ, but this does not…

  • monday

    A La Carte (February 12)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a book on biblical theology as well as Crossway’s weekly deals. (Yesterday on the blog: Shall I Bare My Arms?) Who is Welcome Here? Jen Pollock Michel: “For those of us who grew up in a pew, we can hardly appreciate the difficulty of walking into a church either for the…

  • Shall I Bare My Arms?

    I recently rediscovered Sojourner Songs, a volume of poems by Ben Palpant. Once again I was struck by the quality of the poetry and the joy of reading it. Here’s a favorite example titled “Shall I Bare My Arms?” What can I offerfor the expiationof a lifetime’s sin? Shall I bare my armsand count the…

  • weekend

    Weekend A La Carte (February 10)

    There is just one Kindle deals today but it’s on a book I’ve heard good things about. (Yesterday on the blog: Three Things to Look For in the 2018 Winter Olympics) I Am Who I Am “I have a daughter, a seven year old beauty, who I bounce on my knee, rock back and forth…

  • Three Things to Look For in the 2018 Winter Olympics

    As we come to Opening Ceremonies of the Pyeongchang Winter Olympic Games, I am sharing what will be the first of several articles by Joel Kim, President of Westminster Seminary California. Kim is a Korean-American who was born in South Korea before immigrating to America, and has a special interest in Korean Christianity, both its…

  • A La Carte (February 9)

    Today’s Kindle deals include just a couple of deals, but they are both for excellent books. Meanwhile, Westminster Books has discounts on a solid theological series and Christian Focus is celebrating the launch of their new web site with a sale. (Yesterday on the blog: How to Choose Worship Songs) Why Do I Believe in…

  • How to Choose Worship Songs

    How to Choose Worship Songs – Three-Minute Thursdays #14

    Welcome to another edition of 3 Minute Thursdays. You know how it works by now: We put three minutes on the clock and in that brief amount of time I do my best to say something helpful, maybe even useful about a subject that’s of interest to people like you. Today I want to talk…