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Explore March 2017

  • A La Carte (March 13)

    Today’s Kindle deals include several good titles from Crossway that deal with suffering. J.I. Packer’s Finishing Our Course with Joy is particularly good and very nearly a must-read. Church or Football? This plea is written specifically for Zambian Christians, but it applies equally to Christians from other nations. A $2 Million Treasure Chest This writer…

  • Hack Your Worship Service

    Hack Your Worship Service

    I recently read an article about the architectural design of airports. Yes, that was an actual article I actually read, and I found it fascinating. A specialist in airport design told how he had been involved in planning Atlanta’s new international terminal and how he and his team had been specially tasked with finding ways…

  • This Is Our Time

    This Is Our Time

    It’s certainly an interesting time to be alive, isn’t it? And it’s a particularly interesting time to be a Christian. Right before our eyes we see everything changing, everything we once assumed being purposefully undermined. A new normal has been thrust upon us and I don’t think I’m the only one who is looking for…

  • Weekend A La Carte (March 11)

    It has been a rather quiet week for Kindle deals, and today there are just a few more minor ones to consider. Fred Sanders: The Trinity and The Shack You may enjoy watching Fred Sanders speak on The Shack and address audience questions. Farewell, Jesus Junk? Christianity Today discusses the reality and significance of Family…

  • How to Be a Good Christian With Minimal Effort

    How to Be a Good Christian With Minimal Effort

    It was such a blessing to receive your note and to hear that you’ve decided to follow Christ! Sometimes it takes many years for those Sunday school stories to ring true, doesn’t it? It touched me to hear your gratitude for the Bible I sent and how it challenged you to get right with God.…

  • A La Carte (March 10)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a few titles for children and adults. Westminster Books has deals on new books from Crossway that are worth looking at. What Christianity in China Is Really Like What is ministry in China really like? There are lots of misconceptions clarified by this article. Wise Technological Parenting “It is the apex…

  • What Does The Shack Really Teach? “Lies We Believe About God” Tells Us

    The Shack has sold twenty million copies and along the way generated at least twenty million conversations. Many of these have been attempts to discern the fact behind the fiction, to interpret what Paul Young means to teach through his story. Some have read the novel as a fresh expression of Christian orthodoxy while others…

  • A La Carte (March 9)

    Today I was able to track down only a couple of minor Kindle deals. We’ll hope for better things tomorrow. 2017 National Conference Streaming The Ligonier Ministries National Conference begins today and is being livestreamed. Speakers include R.C. Sproul, Alistair Begg, Sinclair Ferguson, Robert Godfrey, Michael Horton, Steven Lawson, John MacArthur, Albert Mohler, and several…

  • Stop Calling Everything Hate

    Stop Calling Everything Hate

    Over time, a word can change its meaning, sometimes picking up an entirely new definition and sometimes expanding or contracting an existing one. It is not unusual to see a familiar word explode into contemporary parlance with a far more expansive definition than it has had in the past. Think about “tolerance.” For many years…

  • A La Carte (March 8)

    Later today I’ll be heading down to Orlando for the Ligonier Ministries National Conference. I hope to see some of you down there. On Friday I’ll be doing a breakout session on visual theology and, as part of that, explain why Peter Jackson ruined The Lord of the Rings. Today’s Kindle deals include several study…

  • Spare the Rod Spoil the Parent

    Spare the Rod, Spoil the Parent

    I think she might actually hate her child. She sat beside me at the soccer game, her daughter competing against mine. Meanwhile, her son sat beside her. Or he did for a minute, at least, until he got up and began to look longingly at the concession stand. He demanded a treat, first plaintively, then…

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (March 7)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a few minor deals. Logos continues with their March Madness, working their way down to some great deals. In the meantime, they’ve got a Hall of Fame sale on the works of D.A. Carson. Chance the Rapper Shai Linne is an exceptional rapper and an astute theologian. That’s why I’ve been…

  • The Importance of Staying Curious in Bible Study

    The Importance of Staying Curious in Bible Study

    This sponsored post was provided by Dr. Michael Bird, Lecturer in Theology and New Testament at Ridley College, on behalf of the NIV Faithlife Study Bible. The new NIV Faithlife Study Bible, created in partnership with Faithlife Corporation, creators of Logos Bible Software, is now available in print and is full of eye-catching graphics, charts,…

  • False Teachers and Deadly Doctrine

    The Training Ground of Sound Doctrine

    For over a decade, I have been reviewing books that are of particular interest to Christians. While the vast majority of the titles I have reviewed are solid works founded on biblical principles, I am far better known for those occasional reviews of the very worst books in the Christian world. Sadly, these books that…

  • A La Carte (March 6)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a whole list of books from Crossway. You’ll also find one from Piper, one about church history, and one about marriage. What It’s Like to Fail Here is “the personal story of David Raether, a former comedy writer for the sitcom Roseanne who later became homeless.” It’s a sad story, really,…

  • Letters to the Editor

    Letters to the Editor (The Shack, Catechisms, Worship, Tolkien)

    Letters to the editor continue to come in at a steady clip. I received some really interesting ones this week, and am glad to share a selection representing a variety of topics. Letters on Why I Won’t Be Seeing (or Reviewing) The Shack Movie and Why Papa of The Shack Is Not Aslan of Narnia…

  • Visual Theology: The Tabernacle

    In Exodus 25:8-9 the Lord gives this extraordinary command to Moses and the people of Israel: “Then have them make a sanctuary for me, and I will dwell among them. Make this tabernacle and all its furnishings exactly like the pattern I will show you.” This chapter and the four that follow are devoted to…

  • Weekend A La Carte (March 4)

    I did not dig up any new Kindle deals today for Christian books. However, I’m often asked about biographies of Winston Churchill; Churchill: A Life by Martin Gilbert is a great introductory work and is discounted this month. Then you need to read The Last Lion, the epic 3-volume series by William Manchester. If you’re…

  • Final Call

    Final Call (March 3)

    Welcome to Final Call, a brief, hand-picked selection of news, articles, videos, and curiosities from the Internet and beyond. Today’s edition looks at productivity and leadership, a bit of satire, and offers a great giveaway. Productivity and Leadership in the 21st Century A couple of weeks ago, I was able to get some time with…

  • Ask Me Anything

    Ask Me Anything (Catechisms, Images of God, that Book/Movie)

    Ask Me Anything is an opportunity for you to submit questions that are related or unrelated to things I’ve written, and for me to take a shot at answer them. This week’s questions deal with catechisms, images of God, and, indirectly, The Shack. I am looking for clarification on “Use Your Catechism, Silly” regarding the…