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Explore March 2017

  • Free Stuff Fridays

    Free Stuff Fridays (Hope When It Hurts Gift Pack)

    This week’s Free Stuff Fridays is sponsored by The Good Book Company who also sponsored the blog this week on behalf of their new book Hope When It Hurts. There will be five winners this week and each will receive a Hope When It Hurts prize pack. Hope When It Hurts – Hurt is real.…

  • Like the Shepherd

    The great challenge in marriage is not to love our wives more but to love ourselves less, for it is self-love that generates so much of the strife we experience. To be successful husbands we must continually put to death within us whatever causes us to prioritize ourselves, our own interests, our own comfort, our…

  • A La Carte (March 31)

    Today’s Kindle deals include several excellent books, including a new one: The Story of Reality by Greg Koukl. Westminster Books has a sale on a new book for teens. The Victorian Teenage Girl Who Entertained Crowds By Overpowering Men This is a funny little story from the past. “In late 1883, a 15-year-old girl from…

  • A La Carte (March 30)

    Today’s Kindle deals include 3 solid choices from Christian Focus. Westminster Books has a sale on the ESV Journaling Bibles in its various editions. Meanwhile, Logos has a sale on the NIV Application Commentary. How to Build a Healthy Accountability Group Here’s how to build an accountability group that will actually prove helpful. Is it…

  • What We Lost When We Lost Hymnals

    What We Lost When We Lost Our Hymnals

    I don’t think we should go back to using hymnals. But I do think there’s value in considering what we lost when, over the course of a relatively short period of time, we gave up hymnals for PowerPoint projection. Not all of us, mind you, but most of us. It’s worth considering because it helpfully…

  • A La Carte (March 29)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a relatively new book by John Piper, a good one by John MacArthur, and a few other picks. We’ve Lost Our Vocabulary of Wonder About Heaven Randy Alcorn: “By losing our vocabulary of wonder, I mean that we’ve come to think of Heaven as utterly immaterial and non-physical, a home suited…

  • Final Call

    Final Call (March 28)

    Welcome to Final Call, a brief, hand-picked selection of news, articles, videos, and curiosities from the Internet and beyond. Today’s edition offers some quick clicks while also looking at an ancient heresy and a batch of new books. Definition: Modalism A heresy that maintains that “Father,” “Son,” and “Holy Spirit” are three names for, or…

  • The Particular Temptations of Young Men

    Young men have it tough. In so many ways, this world seems to have been custom-crafted to take advantage of their weaknesses, their flaws, their immaturities. Solomon lamented this in his day, telling of the seductresses and prostitutes who laid in wait for young men. He told as well of the immaturity and ungodliness of…

  • A La Carte (March 28)

    Today’s Kindle deals include quite a few titles that may be of interest. Be sure to look at A Little Book on the Christian Life. A while back I put together a commentary collection for Logos that would get you one excellent commentary on each book of the New Testament. We have just updated and…

  • Confronting the Lies when Suffering Leaves You Lonely

    Confronting the Lies when Suffering Leaves You Lonely

    This sponsored post was provided by Sarah Walton for Hope When It Hurts. Many roads of suffering are incredibly lonely ones. I remember when we began realizing that my eldest son struggled in ways that other children seemed not to. From a young age, he began displaying behavior that was defiant and destructive, and has…

  • monday

    A La Carte (March 27)

    Today’s Kindle deals include several good titles from Crossway, plus a good one from Tim Keller. The Jihadi Who Turned to Jesus “Bashir Mohammad, 25, fought on the front lines of the Syrian civil war for Jabhat al-Nusra, an offshoot of Al Qaeda, less than four years ago.” And now he’s a Christian. Surprisingly enough,…

  • 8 Rules for Growing in Godliness

    8 Rules for Growing in Godliness

    By the end of first grade, every child has learned to grow a plant. They fill a cup with soil and press a seed into it. They pour water over their cup, place it in a sunny window, and wait. Sure enough, within days there are stirrings of life. First, roots begin to emerge, then…

  • Weekend A La Carte (March 25)

    Today’s Kindle deals include just Tolkien’s Roverandom which will likely appeal mostly to hard-core fans. Logos users will want to cast one final vote in March Madness and perhaps browse through the long, long list of deals. Churches, Get a Calvinist Pastor! Tom Nettles makes a pretty good case for it. Don’t Mess with Mary…

  • Ask Me Anything

    Ask Me Anything (Worship, Accountability, Slack, Elders Who Don’t Give, etc)

    Ask Me Anything is an opportunity for you to submit questions that are related or unrelated to things I’ve written, and for me to take a shot at answer them. This week’s questions deal with worship services, whether family members should attend the same church, whether a husband and wife should be accountability partners, and…

  • friday

    A La Carte (March 24)

    Sadly, there’s not much to tell you about Kindle deals today. However, anyone who loves commentaries will want to check out Westminster Books and their sale on the Preaching the Word series (which is ideal for preaching but also for personal study). When You’ve Got a Bramble for a King Jared Wilson draws a good…

  • 8 Ways God Works Suffering for Our Good

    8 Ways God Works Suffering for Our Good

    It is a conviction meant to quiet our minds and encourage our hearts: In some way God has a hand in our suffering. Whatever circumstances we experience can no more arise without the hand of God than a saw can cut without the hand of the carpenter. Job in his suffering did not say, “The…

  • A La Carte (March 23)

    Today’s Kindle deals include just a couple of titles, but ones worth checking out. March Madness continues at Logos and that means lots more details. You can get books up to 45% off the list price. Princeton Seminary Reforms Its Views on Honoring Tim Keller And this is what it has come to: “The most…