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Explore July 2015

  • The One Thing That Matters Most

    One of my favorite things about the New Testament epistles is the personal moments, the personal interactions between the author and his audience. I love to read Paul’s “don’t forget the milk” list at the end of 2 Timothy. I love to read his warm greetings and remembrances at the end of Romans. One great…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (July 21)

    Textiquette for Teenagers – I guess we are all trying to figure out how best to lead our kids in this new world. Here are one dad’s thoughts on “textiquette.” The Book of Numbers – Here, from The Bible Project, is a neat 6-minute overview of Numbers. I am going to keep giving room for…

  • Sponsored Collection cover image

    Ancient Greek for the Digital Age

    This sponsored post was prepared by Dr. Jack Kinneer, Adjunct Professor of New Testament Studies and Director of the Doctor of Ministry Program at Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary. Learning Greek has traditionally been one of the most challenging subjects in a seminary education, sure to bring hours of blood, sweat, and tears to even the…

  • With Purity and Dignity

    The Bible gives us many motivations to do battle with sin and to persist in putting sin to death. We battle sin because of a newfound desire for righteousness. We battle sin out of love and loyalty to Christ. We battle sin out of hatred for the consequences of sin. But one reason Christians too…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (July 20)

    Police or Pastor? – After an incident of domestic violence, who should a woman call first, her pastor or the police? Edge of Stability – This photographer has captured some incredible footage of storms and other bad weather. An Ugly Mirror for America – I’m glad to see CNN dedicating some space to the ugly…

  • 4 Really Good Money Questions

    I do not remember when or how I first came across the 4 questions that John Wesley proposed we consider when spending money, but it was probably in a Randy Alcorn book. Wesley believed in the value of introspection, perhaps to a fault, but understood that he was accountable to God for the way he…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    Weekend A La Carte (July 18)

    Eylenad is a beautiful film that displays the beauty of Iceland. You know the drill: HD and full-screen. Tomorrow you will be gathering with God’s people to worship him together. Are you prepared? I do not often link to The Onion (fake news) but in this case I will make an exception for this great…

  • Giveaways / Free Stuff Fridays Collection cover image

    Free Stuff Fridays – CBD Edition

    This week’s sponsor of Free Stuff Friday is CBD Reformed. As they always do they are giving away a great prize package. There will be 5 winners this week, and each of them will receive the following 3 books: In addition, CBD Reformed is offering a 4-day sale (July 17 – 20) on the following…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (July 17)

    Long-Term Fruitfulness or Short-Term Flashiness – Jamie Brown has something for you to consider if you are involved in leading music at your church. The Pacific Crest Trail in Three Minutes – It’s not the best video you’ll ever see, but it’s still a stunning look at what you’ll encounter if you hike the Pacific…

  • journal write pen

    3 Helpful Instructions on Keeping a Journal

    I am a committed blogger, but a sporadical journaler. If blogging is thinking out loud and in public, journaling is thinking quietly and in private. I am convinced that both practices have value, and I have often regretted my lack of dedication to the discipline of keeping a journal. This regret was heightened as I…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (July 16)

    Planned Parenthood, Abortion, and the Conscience of a Nation – You will benefit from reading Dr. Mohler’s analysis of the breaking news surrounding Planned Parenthood. His conclusion: “A nation that will allow this, will allow anything.” Thank You, Mark Oppenheimer – Like Andrew Walker, I tend to believe that the sexual radicals are overplaying their…

  • Book Reviews Collection cover image

    Praying the Bible

    I have read all of Donald Whitney’s books because they invariably cause me to grow in my appreciation for the simplest but most important spiritual disciplines. As with so many other Christians, Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life proved foundational in my understanding and practice of the spiritual disciplines. Simplify Your Spiritual Life was an…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (July 15)

    Meeting Elisabeth Elliot – I am quite sure you will enjoy reading this little story of Elisabeth Elliot extending kindness. How Should Christians Comment Online? – “Reading people’s comments online is an interesting and sometimes troubling study in human nature.” Which is one of the reasons I am increasingly turning them off. Planned Parenthood and…

  • The Narrowest Religion in the World

    The Christian religion is at once the broadest and the narrowest in the world. It is a faith that admits every possible kind of person. But it admits them in only one way. There is one God. Only one. If there were two gods there might be two paths to salvation—you get saved by this…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (July 14)

    7 Areas of Unbiblical Conscience Binding – This article is an especially good one on an especially important area. “To be sure, we should all be zealous to teach and exemplify every principle of holiness taught in Scripture; but more often than not, individuals who are most zealous for holiness fall into the trap of…

  • Sponsored Collection cover image

    Disenchanted with Islam: The Spiritual Impact of ISIS

    This sponsored post was written by Daniel Abraham of Avant Ministries. Breaking the Myth of Islam What is religion? Many people may think they know the answer, but in the halls of academia the term religion has several definitions. One of these definitions I subscribe to is a functional definition by the theologian Paul Tillich…

  • How We Do Family Devotions

    I am a believer in family devotions. So are most of you, I’m sure. But when I talk to other Christians, and especially to men, I find that this little family tradition is the source of a lot of regret and frustration. Many Christians feel that familiar sense of guilt whenever they stop to think…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (July 13)

    5 Ways Mission Agencies Stretch the Truth – “I read a lot of e-mails and newsletters from mission agencies, and I get to see how many of them use statistics to recruit staff, missionaries, and donors. Sadly, in my experience, many exaggerate the truth and undermine the good work God does in the world.” Sex…

  • 3 Errors of Musical Style that Stifle Community

    It is ironic that music, an element meant to draw Christians together in mutual love and service (see Colossians 3:16) has become a force for significant division within the church. It just goes to show, I guess, that we can make a mess of pretty much anything. In their book The Compelling Community, Mark Dever…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    Weekend A La Carte (July 11)

    A movie reviewer at Christianity Today was not a big fan of the film Minions. “Probably, you’d be better off doing almost anything with your kid than taking them to see Minions, especially considering Inside Out is also in theaters.” It’s a common question: What about those have never heard of Jesus? Justin Taylor provides…