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Explore February 2015

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (February 18)

    Women, Stop Submitting to Men? – This is good stuff from Russell Moore: “Those of us who hold to so-called ‘traditional gender roles’ are often assumed to believe that women should submit to men. This isn’t true.” Not quite. Bible Translation and I.T. – I appreciate this–a quick look at how I.T. plays a crucial…

  • Book Reviews Collection cover image

    Becoming Worldly Saints

    The pushback against the radical Christian life is in full swing. It was inevitable, I think, and healthy. Books like Radical and Don’t Waste Your Life were meant to battle Christian complacency, but in some ways they over-corrected, giving less than a holistic and realistic view of the Christian life. And now authors like Michael…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (February 17)

    The Shape of Things to Come – I don’t think you have to be an Apple fanboy to enjoy this (very long!) profile of Apple’s lead designer Jony Ives. (Note: language warning.) The Murderer Who Became a Missionary – Here is a remarkable historical account. (Update: This story may not be true.) What ISIS Really…

  • Sponsored Collection cover image

    Where Professors Learn

    by Barry York At the heart of being a disciple of Jesus Christ is learning from Him. “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:31-32). As a new professor at the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary (RPTS) in…

  • An Extraordinary Skill for Ordinary Christians

    Have you ever dreamed of being rich? Have you ever wondered what it would be like to know that money poses no barrier between you and your dreams? I think we all have at one time or another, haven’t we? And most of us are convinced that we would use our wealth for good, to…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (February 16)

    Ash Wednesday: Picking and Choosing our Piety – This is a very strong bit of writing from Carl Trueman. “I suspect that the reasons evangelicals are rediscovering Lent is as much to do with the poverty of their own liturgical tradition as anything.” Why Are Christian Movies So Painfully Bad? – Here’s an interesting look…

  • Lessons Learned Through Tears

    Suffering is inevitable in this world. When we ourselves are so full of sin and are living in a world scarred by sin, it would be surprising if we were to escape all suffering. But there is hope. I trust you will be encouraged by this amazing bit of writing from Theodore Cuyler, drawn from…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    Weekend A La Carte (February 14)

    R.C. Sproul Jr. pulls no punches: “As a rule, men are relational dolts. From an early age girls develop sophisticated communications arrays, whereby they are able to simultaneously translate what anyone says, whether with words, expression or body language, into what they actually mean.” I enjoy the site Redeemed Reader and appreciated this: Five Red…

  • Free Stuff Fridays

    This week’s Free Stuff Fridays is sponsored by The Gray Havens—the husband-wife Dave and Licia Radford, a folk-pop duo whose unique artistry draws from such influences as C.S. Lewis, JRR Tolkien, and Jonathan Edwards. They are offering 5 prize packages this week, and each package will consist of: If you’d like to buy their album,…

  • 10 Articles on Pornography

    Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day, and, thanks to one surprising bestseller and its new film adaptation, the whole world is buzzing about pornography and deviant sexuality. 50 Shades has done everything it can to beat and brutalize an otherwise sweet occasion. The day of hearts and flowers has been turned into a day of whips and…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (February 13)

    Why It’s So Popular – This is one of the best things I’ve read on the topic: The real reason 50 Shades of Grey is so popular. While we’re on the subject, here’s an interesting idea from Moody: Send them your copy of the book, and they’ll send back a copy of Pulling Back the…

  • I was born weak

    I Was Born Weak

    I was born weak. Though I bear my father’s last name, I bear a much stronger resemblance to my mother’s side of the family. The people on her side tend to live long and relatively healthy lives, but they are physically and constitutionally weak—weaker, at least, than the hardy Challies folk. I was born again…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (February 12)

    Using A Theological Dictionary for Word Studies – You may enjoy this article from Patrick Schreiner as he looks at how to use a theological dictionary. Why Is the Number of the Beast 666? – TGC asks the question of Greg Beale. And speaking of Beale, Westminster Books has his new, abbreviated commentary on Revelation…

  • What I Would Have To Deny To Deny Hell

    It was just a few years ago that everyone was talking about hell. One disaffected Evangelical had decided to use his platform and popularity to question the very notion of hell, and, not surprisingly, he caused quite a stir. The crisis came and went, of course, and it had at least one happy outcome: Many…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (February 11)

    Giving Toasters Sentience – This author lays out a few important concerns about the increasing connectivity in all our devices (Note: the article has a few unfortunate words choices in it.) You and Me Forever – Christian Audio is having a flash offer that may interest you. For the next 2 days You and Me…

  • You Are Richer Than You Think

    We tend to react to new technologies in one of two ways: Wide-eyed terror or breathless excitement. Some people look at that new gadget and see it as the enemy, the latest in a long line of innovations that really only undermine our humanity or captivate us with bells and whistles. These people are suspicious…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (February 10)

    The President at the Prayer Breakfast – Al Mohler: “Presidents of the United States are usually awful as theologians. In far too many cases, the closer they get to anything theological, the bigger the mess they make.” The One Ring Explained – If you’ve ever tried to figure out why the rings matter so much…

  • Sponsored Collection cover image

    The Light of the Reformation was the Light of the Bible

    The Bible is a book. It may be called a collection of books compiled into one majestic volume. As a book it is designed to be read. In this respect it is like all other books. But in important ways, the Bible is not like any other book. It is the Book of books. We…

  • God, Protect My Girls

    As a dad, I pray for each of my kids just about every day, and I take it as both a joy and responsibility to bring them before the Lord. Praying for the kids is a helpful way of training myself to remember that they are his before they are mine, and that any good…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (February 9)

    Is Your Marriage a Picture of the Gospel? – I really enjoyed this one from Hershael York; he writes about the evangelistic opportunity of a good marriage. Getting Medieval – “Medieval historians like myself can’t help wincing when the period that we study finds its way into modern political discourse.” Which is what President Obama…