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Explore July 2010

  • Off the Grid

    I have returned from my week away–a week away from home and a week away from the day-to-day. On July 9th we bundled ourselves into the van and drove 1100 kilometers pretty much due south. That took us to a state park in Virginia–a state park far from civilization, one that is accessible only by…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (7/19)

    The New Abortion Strategy – Dr. Mohler writes about a growing plan to make abortion even more mainstream by positioning it as a routine procedure that can be carried out by your local family doctor. The Flak over The Shack – It seems all is not well behind the scenes with The Shack. The author…

  • Glorious Conversion

    Though I’ve read it often, I never tire of reading Charles Spurgeon’s account of his conversion. Spurgeon had been raised in a Christian home, had heard so much of God’s truth and had even begun to live in a moral and upright way. And yet he knew that he was not saved and, though he…

  • Thankful for Technology

    I have returned safely from my week away (more about that on Monday) but first I have one more short guest blog for you. This was sent to me by Tim Turner, the Principal Designer and founder of Subsplash and one of the creators of The Church App. Tim and I have been working together…

  • Using the Bible Biblically to Parent Biblically

    Today’s guest blog comes from my good friend Mark Tubbs. Mark has taken upon himself much of the day-to-day work associated with Discerning Reader and for that I am deeply indebeted to him. Today he writes about marriage and parenting. Back in May, my wife and I attended an incredibly challenging and inspiring Paul David…

  • 9 Minutes with Frank Turk

    Today’s guest blogger is Frank Turk, he of Pyromaniancs fame. He shares what was meant to be a recorded conference message but has instead been relegated (reduced?) to a blog post. Some of the massive throng of readers for this blog may know that I was nominated to speak at “theNines” this year — which…

  • Why So Critical?

    Today’s guest post comes to us from Stephen McGarvey. Stephen is editorial director of Salem Web Network (i.e.,, and so on). He tackles a subject that is near and dear to me–using discernment in real life. Is there ever a time man can judge another man? I can’t find it in the Bible…

  • The Problem with Pastor as Rock Star

    Today’s guest blogger is Ed Stetzer. That’s a name that is familiar to most of you, I’m sure. I recently spoke at an event with Ed and, having enjoyed his company, asked if he’d be willing to put together a guest post. And, as you’re about to see, he was kind enough to do so.…

  • Sponsored Collection cover image

    Sponsored Post – Ligonier Academy

    Note: This is a sponsored post. Learn about sponsored posts. This week’s sponsored is Ligonier Academy. R.C. Sproul announces the launch of the new college program at Ligonier Academy of Biblical and Theological Studies near Orlando, Fla. Ligonier Academy is a natural outgrowth of Ligonier’s decades of teaching Christians to think deeply, critically, and obediently…

  • Confessions of a Failed Worshiper

    Today’s guest blog comes courtesy of Matthew Smith. Matthew is a singer-songwriter from Nashville who takes old hymn lyrics and sets them to new music. He is a founding member of the Indelible Grace community, and tours full time, playing concerts of hymns at churches. I blogged here last week about his new song “Goodnight,”…

  • An Interview with Dr. Russell Moore

    Today’s guest blogger is Danielle Evans. Like me, Danielle is a member of Grace Fellowship Church. Unlike me, Danielle is a graduate of Southern Seminary. When I asked if she would like to contribute a guest post, she decided to talk to Dr. Russell Moore to ask him a few questions about adoption. (You may…

  • Mercy for the Impetuous

    Today’s guest blog comes courtesy of Chris Larson. Chris is responsible for the outreach and operations of Ligonier Ministries. And, as it happens, he is also a friend. Chris was kind enough to provide an article dealing with mercy. Peter didn’t just blow it, he blew it badly. “Though they all fall away…I will never…

  • Grandpa Dallimore

    Today’s guest blogger is a dear friend to Aileen and me and, as it happens, the granddaughter of Arnold Dallimore, whose biography of Spurgeon we only just began to read together. I asked Becky if she would be willing to share a few memories of her grandfather. My grandpa was a man who could sleep…

  • A Digital Vacation

    The problem with writing a book is that, as an author, you feel like you need to practice what you preach (OK, I guess that’s not really a problem, is it?). And while I believe in the necessity of occasionally fasting from technology, I’ve found that I’m not very good at it–at least, not for…

  • Reading Classics Together Collection cover image

    Reading Biographies Together – Spurgeon

    You are familiar, I think, with the Reading Classics Together program. Over the past few years, I and many of the readers of this site have read a series of classics of the Christian faith. We’ve read them concurrently, a chapter or two at a time, and then have met up here at the blog…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (7/8)

    Practical Ideas for Family Worship – Tim Smith offers a few ideas for times of family worship. The First Thing Young Women Do in the Morning – “Young women are becoming more and more dependent on social media and checking on their social networks, according to a new study released earlier today by Oxygen Media…

  • Are You a Friend of the Blog?

    Are you a Friend of the Blog? It has been a few months now since I rolled out the program and to this point I’m very happy with the results; I’ve been blessed by the many of you who have chosen to support my web site in this way. And I hear from more and…

  • Life

    I’ve got a bit of a thing for nature documentaries and maybe it’s because I’m not exactly the traveling type. I don’t ever anticipate being able to visit South America or Africa, to walk through the jungles and savannahs and to see so many of the wonders of God’s creation (at least on this side…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (7/7)

    Lessons Learned Behind the Microphone – Now that Al Mohler has recorded his final radio show, he takes time to reflect on what he learned through all those years. He also shares what’s ahead. What Is the Gospel? – Greg Gilbert’s book What Is the Gospel? is available free for Kindle and iBooks. This is…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (7/6)

    Precious Beyond Words – Randy Alcorn expresses his love and admiration for Sono Sato Harris who went to be with the Lord just two days ago. Iceberg Art – God is the world’s best artist. Here he displays some of his work in icebergs. Giveaways – My friend Becky keeps giving away awesome stuff through…