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Explore March 2008

  • Hymns & Worship

    I wanted to draw your attention to a few albums that I’ve been enjoying recently. Each of these albums features music that is appropriate for corporate worship and each features selections of modern or ancient hymns. Each of them is worth buying and listening to. All of the albums are available through iTunes (where I…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (3/19)

    Wednesday March 19, 2008 KidzuiI haven’t had time to look at it thoroughly, but Kidzui looks like an interesting program. It is essentially an internet browser for children and one that blocks unsafe content. The Reformation and MysticismHere is a short but good essay on the Reformation and mysticism. The Liberation of RestraintPaul writes about…

  • Book Reviews Collection cover image

    Book Review – God’s Problem

    Bart Ehrman is a New Testament scholar who chairs the Department of Religious Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He has both an M.Div. and Ph.D. from Princeton Theological Seminary where he studied under the renowned scholar Bruce Metzger. Though he formerly considered himself a Christian and even pastored a church,…

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    A La Carte (3/18)

    Tuesday March 18, 2008 Keller the BestsellerTim Keller’s book “The Reason for God” has made it all the way to #7 on the New York Times list of bestsellers–quite an accomplishment for this kind of book! Don’t you think it’s time to read it? Associating with ApostasyJoe Carter says Obama’s biggest problem isn’t associating with…

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    Loving the Sinner More than the Sinner Loves His Sin

    In the book Sex and the Supremacy of Christ, Al Mohler has written a chapter entitled “Homosexual Marriage as a Challenge to the Church: Biblical and Cultural Reflections.” He provides seven useful principles that can serve as a framework for a Christian response to the issue of homosexual marriage. They are: As part of his…

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    A La Carte (3/17)

    Monday March 17, 2008 Witnessing to a ThiefHere’s a story of an elderly woman who witnessed to a man trying to rob her (HT: Joe Carter) The Condom ConspiracyJoe Carter has an interesting take on the recent news that one in four female adolescents in the United States has some kind of sexually transmitted disease.…

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    Tax Benefits of Tithing

    I’m going to keep it simple today. I just want to ask you a question and to hear your responses to it. This is a question that has been running through my mind for some time and one that arose after emailing back and forth with a friend. The question has to do with giving…

  • Ligonier Conference – Over Already?

    My conference has come to a bit of an early end. Because there are so many Canadians heading home from Florida this week, we were not able to find me a flight that left after the conference. Instead I’m having to duck out a few hours before it all wraps up. I’ll be heading home…

  • Ligonier Conference (II)

    This morning began with John MacArthur’s second and final sermon. His topic was “Simultaneously Righteous and a Sinner” (or, to use the latin theological term, simul iustus et peccator). He turned first to the well-known story of the raising of Lazarus and on that basis titled his message (rather creatively, I might add), “We Have…

  • Ligonier Conference (I)

    Well, I made it. It is good to feel a hot sun for the first time in many months! It was an early start this morning—the alarm rang at 2:44 AM and I was out the door just a very short time after that. After having some very bad flights in the past few months,…

  • It’s a Travel Day

    The Ligonier Ministries 2008 National Conference kicks off later today and I’m on my way to Orlando to take it all in. Unfortunately I waited a little too late to book my flight, so I would up with a flight that necessitates leaving my home at 3:15 AM (just imagine when that means I need…

  • Together for the Gospel (in Canada!)

    Some time ago I was talking with a friend who pastors a church in this area and we discussed how much we enjoy what is being accomplished and modeled through Together for the Gospel. We talked about how we wish something like that could happen in Canada. And from there we realized that maybe, just…

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    A La Carte (3/12)

    Wednesday March 12, 2008 The Spitzer Affair and the PressDr. Mohler reflects on the Spitzer affair and the reaction of the press to it. The Digital Age–A New Dark AgeA good article at Resurgence looks at this strange new information age. “The Middle Ages was stunted by a lack of information, and the modern age…

  • Book Reviews Collection cover image

    Book Review – “A Tale of Two Sons” by John MacArthur

    The story of the Prodigal Son is undoubtedly among the best-known and most highly-favored tales of all time. Even those who do not know the story itself are familiar with its outline or some of the words and phrases that arose from its King James translation. A powerful and heart-rending story, it is unforgettable to…

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    A La Carte (3/11)

    Tuesday March 11, 2008 The Charismatic QuestionNathan Busenitz takes on the charismatic question based on a conference he led at the 2007 Shepherds’ Conference. Should We Miss Church GraveyardsRussell Moore ponders the loss of church graveyards and asks if we’ve lost something in paving them over. Interview with Sinclair FergusonOver at the (new!) blog for…

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    The Progressive Nature of Revelation

    I am about to spiritualize (and very possibly even trivialize) one of the great laws of physics. As you no doubt remember from your days in school, Newton’s Third Law of Motion states, in its simplest form, that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Take a look around and you will…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (3/10)

    Monday March 10, 2008 Colson Continues to Defend ECTR. Scott Clark has a good discussion about Church Colson’s answer to my question about ecumenism (as part of Colson’s recent blog tour). The VowThe Washington Post has a really nice story dealing with Dave Kendall, a man who has committed his life to caring for his…

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    Sin Does Not Provoke Our Own Wrath

    As I mentioned last week, I’ve decided to read John Stott’s The Cross of Christ before Easter this year. I’ve been reading it a bit slower than I might like, but have been enjoying it immensely. To this point the chapter entitled “The Problem of Forgiveness” has been my favorite. This is a quote that…

  • Book Reviews Collection cover image

    “The Case for Civility” by Os Guinness

    “It would be a safe but sad bet that someone, somewhere in the world, is killing someone else at this very moment in the name of religion or ideology.” Thus begins The Case for Civility by Os Guinness. Every day the media brings us stories of death and mayhem and often religion and ideology are…

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    Chuck Colson Blog Tour

    Chuck Colson has begun a blog tour to support his new book, The Faith (and interestingly, this blog tour is actually modeled on the one I put together with the publicity team at Crossway after the release of my book). I was asked to participate in this tour and agreed to do so because I…