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Explore September 2006

  • Book Reviews Collection cover image

    The Great Work of the Gospel

    On one of John Ensor’s web sites, “Heartbeat of Miami,” is a most sobering map. Showing the locations of each Miami’s abortion facilities in red and ultrasound-equipped pregnancy help centers in blue, the red dots outnumber of the blue by a margin of fifteen to one. As leader of “Heartbeat of Miami,” Ensor hopes within…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    The Overwhelming Problem of God

    Bright and early each Friday morning I meet at a local coffee place with a couple of friends. We read a portion of a book during the week and get together once a week to discuss what we’ve read. Having previously worked our way through Os Guinness’ The Call, we have now begun The Knowledge…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A LA Carte (09/08)

    Friday September 8, 2006 Canadiana: A new poll shows that most Canadians blame the U.S. for the attacks of 9/11. Let it be known that I am not one of these people! Theology: I think you need to be a bit of a theological geek to enjoy this, but Scott Hill has theorized that Rick…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    Sinners in the Hands of an Angry Blog

    I try to avoid writing about what feels like gossip. It is far too easy to write about issues that are contentious simply because they attract attention and satisfy some depraved and unsanctified portion of my heart. I know that I used to give in to this desire far more than I do today and…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (09/07)

    Thursday September 7, 2006 Technology: Toronto has just been WiFi’d. A new service offers free unlimited wireless internet to anyone who cares to connect. Six months from now it will begin to cost $29/month. Theology: Rob Tombrella is have interesting discussions on the inerrancy of Scripture. Humor: Fox reports about a granny who turned the…

  • Sick, Strange Comfort

    During the past few evenings I’ve been making my way through Suffering and the Sovereignty of God edited by John Piper and Justin Taylor. Based on last year’s Desiring God National Conference, the book is set to release around September 19 and I’ll have a full review of it before then. When I was at…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (09/06)

    Wednesday September 6, 2006 Music: Jars of Clay just released a new album and AOL is offering the full version for free via streaming audio. You can get it here or here (the second seems to work best for Firefox). Music Bonus: And while we are on the subject of music, don’t forget that Derek…

  • Server Upgrade

    I am moving the site to a new server this evening. It is entirely possible that things will be a little erratic for the next day or two. Please bear with me. If you have something really important to say via email, but sure to request a reply. If you do not get that reply…

  • Book Reviews Collection cover image

    The Politics of Disaster

    Hurricane Katrina was a national disaster that was played out on an international stage. In this age of instant and graphic communication where there is an increasingly thin line between news and entertainment, the whole world watched while the hurricane bore down on New Orleans and the Gulf Coast. The world watched with sick fascination…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (09/05)

    Tuesday September 5, 2006 Site: Things are still a little unstable around here as I attempt to upgrade the server. Please bear with me! Bible: ESV Bible Blog has announced the “ESV Outreach New Testament,” a New Testament selling for only fifty cents. Media: The “L.A. Times” has an interesting report on what seems to…

  • Book Reviews Collection cover image

    Book Review – An Inconvenient Truth

    There is a great deal of controversy surrounding global warming. Some insist that it is a terrifying and imminent concern that portends worldwide disaster. Others scoff at the notion, accusing those who spread such dire predictions of using global warming as part of a larger, sinister agenda. Al Gore considers global warming to be an…

  • Book Reviews Collection cover image

    Book Review – Going Under

    As Baptists go, I consider myself quite charitable when it comes to beliefs on baptism. I suppose this is due to my Presbyterian background and my ongoing struggles with fully committing myself to either infant or believer’s baptism. I have studied the arguments made by both camps and see beauty and biblical support in both.…

  • Ligonier Ministries – New Web Site

    [[{“type”:”media”,”view_mode”:”media_large”,”fid”:”7296″,”attributes”:{“alt”:””,”class”:”media-image”,”height”:”480″,”style”:”line-height: 1.538em;”,”width”:”480″}}]]Today, one one day after Desiring God upgraded their web site, Ligonier Ministries has done the same. What a strange coincidence that both of these projects, a long time in developing, would happen at nearly the same time. You can view the site at The new site is beautiful. Their designers did an…

  • Desiring God – Site & Conference News

    Desiring God has launched their new web site. While the site design has not changed drastically, it is a little bit cleaner and a tad more contemporary. The changes are evolutionary rather than revolutionary, and this is often a good thing. But behind the design lurk some great new features. Rather than describe them myself,…

  • Announcement: The Discipline of Discernment

    Several months ago I sat with my wife, discussing future goals and plans. I told her something she already knew: that I wanted someday to begin writing books. Writing runs in my blood and there are few things I enjoy more (though reading would have to come close). As evidenced by this blog, I have…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (09/01)

    Friday September 1, 2006 Church: Paul writes about the value of a local church where God is (isn’t it considered wrong to end a sentence in “is?” Oh wait, I just did it.). “I am proposing that there may come a point in a Christian’s life where it is obvious ‘the Lord has left the…