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Explore September 2006

  • DG06 – Session 4

    This afternoon Mark Driscoll, pastor of Mars Hill Church in Seattle will teach on “The Supremacy of Christ and the Church in a Postmodern World.” He was introduced by John Piper who said that never before had a speaker gotten him in this much trouble even before he had spoken! Mark took the stage and…

  • DG06 – Session 3

    The morning’s second plenary session will feature Tim Keller, pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City. He will speak on “The Supremacy of Christ and the Gospel in a Postmodern World.” He will talk about how we do evangelism, how we communicate the gospel, in a postmodern world. It will be, in some…

  • DG06 – Session 2

    My second day in Minneapolis began early. We did not get back to our hotel until 11 PM last night and we were roused at 6 AM to get up and ready in time to get to an early breakfast with Justin Taylor and Roger and Amy of A-Team Blog. I had hoped to meet…

  • DG06 – Session 1

    And here I am, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, at my second Desiring God National Conference. This convention center is a great deal busier than it was last year. The room is nearly packed from front to back with the 3,130 people who are supposed to be in attendance. There is a real sense of eagerness and…

  • It’s a Long Way To Minnesota

    It was just about a year ago that I first liveblogged a conference. I posted the following: By the time you read this I should be well on my way to Minneapolis. It is amazing how three hours worth of flying can consume an entire day. It will take about an hour to get to…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    A Senseless Conflict? (Part 2)

    A couple of days ago I responded briefly to an article that appeared in Scientific American (link). I did not attempt a thorough defense of creationism that would convince a person who was committed to evolutionism. I sought primarily to show that the argumentation used was, at best, high school level, and that the arguments…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (09/28)

    Thursday September 28, 2006 Bible: The ESV has reached a five-year milestone. The ESV blog has details. “Today, the ESV is available in more than one hundred formats, has seen nearly 3 million copies distributed worldwide, and is reaching the world in creative and strategic ways.” Preaching: Tony Reinke has completed a series on using…

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    Podcast #1 (Guest: Mark Dever)

    I’ve gone and done it. This is my very first podcast. For those who don’t know, a podcast is really just an audio file that can be listened to either through a normal media player or through a kind of subscription. Both options are available to you. If you don’t know about podcasting and don’t…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (09/27)

    Wednesday September 27, 2006 Katrina: Lakeview Christian Center has released a new (very professional) video providing information about their efforts in New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Music: If you are in the U.S., you can download a new song by Switchfoot. “Dirty Second Hands” will be on their new album, “Oh! Gravity,”…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    A Senseless Conflict?

    Scientific American is a popular science magazine with a monthly circulation approaching 700,000. Including foreign language editions, the circulation increases to over 1,000,000. First published in 1845, it is the oldest continuously published magazine in the United States. Quite needless to say, it is not a publication that is particularly friendly to creationism. How unfriendly…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (09/26)

    Tuesday September 26, 2006 Courses: Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary is offering several courses free online. There are a couple by David Wells that are sure to be especially good. People: Phil Johnson has begun a new series on TeamPyro and begins with an interesting “word of personal testimony” that describes how he was saved. Music: I…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    It Is Good To Thirst

    Every soul thirsts. It may not be felt every moment, but to some degree every soul thirsts after something it does not have. We are rarely content in our current condition and it seems that this is the way we have been Divinely wired. But while we all thirst, we do not all thirst in…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (09/25)

    Monday September 25, 2006 Blogging: On Saturday I went to a blogger’s lunch not too far from here. Someone there mistook me for Frank Turk which seemed to delight James White. Anyways, Carla Rolfe has details and a bunch of pictures. I’d like to point out that, though I’m not smiling in the picture of…

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    The Day of Rest

    Today I present a brief reflection on Sunday, providing some historic viewpoints on the Lord’s Day as summarized in various creeds and confessions. I do not think my commentary would be helpful or necessary: The London Baptist Confession says: As it is the law of nature, that in general a proportion of time, by God’s…

  • Book Reviews Collection cover image

    What Every Parent Needs to Know About Video Games

    I used to be an avid computer gamer. From the time computers became widely available, I was using them to play games. I played them for long enough to know that they don’t make them like they used to. Modern-day games have not risen above the standards set by such classics as X-Com, Railroad Tycoon,…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    More Ligonier News

    It looks like the whole mess at Ligonier may (thankfully!) be drawing to a close. This afternoon two statements were posted to Ligonier’s web site. The first was from Ligonier’s Senior Management and the second from CEO Tim Dick. Since I have posted on this matter in the past, I may as well carry on…

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    Planned Neglect

    If you were to do a Google search for the term “planned neglect” you would likely encounter a host of articles dealing with politics. At the forefront you would find articles about New Orleans and the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Many locals, dismayed at the way the disaster was handled, charged various levels of government…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (09/22)

    Friday September 22, 2006 History: Dr. Haykin was kind enough to answer a question I posed to him about the best one-volume church history text. Books: Looks like Yancey’s new book is going to be a popular one. I posted the review only a couple of days ago and already it has 26 votes (only…

  • Book Reviews Collection cover image

    The Way of the Wild Heart

    John Eldredge’s Wild at Heart is a runaway bestseller. Though it debuted in 2001, it still remains near the top of the list of Christian bestsellers and has sold over three million copies, no small feat for a title marketed primarily to Christians. Unfortunately, sales figures do not indicate which books are most faithful to…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (09/21)

    Thursday September 21, 2006 Books: Monergism Books is having a moving sale. They have lots of great books, Bibles and DVDs available at low prices. Du Jour: A reader sent me a link to the site of a young Christian woman who could use our prayers. “Bonnie has a mitochondrial cytopathy (a multi organ failure…