Your Free Devotional from Trained Pastors Around the World

This week the blog is sponsored by The Master’s Academy International (TMAI). As you come into God’s presence each day, may you be reminded that He’s at work among the nations. To help you with that, Declaring His Glory Among the Nations is yours to enjoy for free from The Master’s Academy International—a global training ministry that began at the request of local pastors around the world. Request your free copy today. Available to U.S. address only. The Origins of TMAI When the Soviet Union finally collapsed 30 years ago, a group of Christians in Ukraine used their freedom to contact John MacArthur. Many of these men were pastors, and several of them had spent time in Soviet prison. But now that they were free, they wanted to pursue what was only until that point a dream—formal training in Bible exposition. They were asking if perhaps John and other trained men could visit Ukraine and teach a conference. In God’s providence, the conference came together and went off with success. But afterwards, Ukraine’s pastors knew they still needed more training, so they asked John MacArthur to help send them full-time teachers. Through this and more providences, what began as a conference eventually became a seminary—and in time, a model for an international training ministry. The Model of TMAI’s Ministry Today, Ukraine’s story isn’t so unique anymore. Similar requests for pastoral training have poured in from every major region of the world. And as missionaries began to answer these calls and head to the field in … Continue reading Your Free Devotional from Trained Pastors Around the World