Free Stuff Fridays (Christian Focus Publications)

This week’s Free Stuff Friday is sponsored by Christian Focus Publications. They are offering copies of The Power and the Glory: John Ross and the Evangelisation of Manchuria to five winners. Born in the northeast of Scotland, John Ross arrived in Manchuria in 1872 and spent 40 years of his life there. He left behind an amazing legacy of culturally sensitive evangelism, established presbyterian churches, innovative missionary principles, valuable publications, and a rich vein of translations, including the first version of the New Testament in Korean. John S. Ross’s riveting biography tracks not only his life, but also the social, political and spiritual influences which shaped his life and work. God is still using John Ross’s labours to grow his Kingdom in South and North Korea today. What People Have Said: This is a thrilling story, taking the reader through the God–given successes of Ross’s labours, as well as the immense challenges he faced, including the Boxer Rising. It is a thoroughly worthy memorial to Ross, the missionary and translator, but supremely a timeless and inspiring testimony to the fruit which follows the faithful sowing of Gospel seed. Donald Meek: Professor Emeritus, Scottish and Gaelic Studies, Edinburgh University Packed solid with carefully documented information, the author has written in a narrative style which draws you to read on. With its many helpful theological and cultural insights, it is a book set to become a classic. David Ellis: Engineer, former minister of the Church of Scotland, and Director of OMF International UK … goes well beyond … Continue reading Free Stuff Fridays (Christian Focus Publications)