Once Again Honestly Assessing Our Decision to Public School Our Kids

Many years ago, Aileen and I made the decision to enroll our children in the local public school. This was a decision we made as carefully and thoughtfully as we knew how to at the time (which was way back in the early 2000s). We decided we would take the approach of “a child at a time, a year at a time, a school at a time.” But even as we kept options open, we never felt the need to change course. Neither did our kids. A lot of time has gone by and two of our children have graduated from those public schools while the third has completed as far as tenth grade. After Nick wrapped up his high school education, I did a little interview with him. I wanted to hear about this experience, whether he felt public schooling had been good or bad, wise or foolish, and what he intended to do if the Lord granted him children. You can read that here. I recently asked Abby the same questions because I wanted to get her take on it as well. In both cases I really encouraged them to be as honest as possible without any fear of offending their parents. Here are Abby’s unedited answers. What do you think were the benefits of being in public school? I think that one of the main benefits to public schooling is that I learned very early in my life about the brokenness of the world and about the people who are living apart … Continue reading Once Again Honestly Assessing Our Decision to Public School Our Kids