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Weekend a La Carte (June 27)

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By now you know how the Supreme Court ruled yesterday. Al Mohler has a special edition of The Briefing to talk it through. John Piper shared a lamentation. The Ethics & Religious Liberties Commission released Here We Stand, a statement of dissent signed by a whole series of Christian leaders. CBMW released an official response. And that is just scratching the surface.

Mike Riccardi has a primer for those wanting the lay of the land when it comes to various Theories of the Atonement. If the subject confuses you, this is a helpful overview.

The Banner of Truth is hosting quite a good giveaway if you’re interested in good literature.

Preachers would do well to keep these Rules for Sermon Writing close at hand and to consider them both before and during sermon preparation.

How Often Should We Celebrate The Lord’s Supper? It is a question every church has to consider and this article models thinking it through well.

I find it a delight to watch any artisan at his craft. There’s even something beautiful about watching a pair of bespoke shoes come together.

If you’re a nervous flyer you might be comforted by this article which describes all those weird noises you hear on an airplane.

Thanks to AccessTruth for sponsoring the blog this week!


Correct division should be preferred over corrupt unity.

—Mark Dever

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