A La Carte (November 30)

May the Lord be with you and bless you today. Today’s Kindle deals include at least a couple of interesting books. The Rise of Right-Wing Wokeism Kevin DeYoung has written a long and thorough review of Stephen Wolfe’s new book on Christian Nationalism. “This is a long review, so let me state my conclusion up front: I understand and sympathize with the desire for something like Christian Nationalism, but if this book represents the best of that ism, then Christian Nationalism isn’t the answer the church or our nation needs. For all the fine retrieval work Wolfe does in parts of the book, the overall project must be rejected.” The Holy Spirit is a Political Liability Meanwhile, Samuel James is looking at a peripheral controversy and explaining why Christians need to continue to emphasize godly character. “This moment is exemplified not just by rancid bigotry but also a posture of unceasing combativeness and pugilism. It’s exemplified by an instinctive aversion to tenderheartedness, forgiveness, and gentleness. It’s exemplified by a way of talking about and doing politics that focuses almost myopically on winning: defeating the Left, pushing them out of the cultural center, and exiling any Christians who aren’t willing to do whatever it takes to achieve this.” Dog-Fights and Discernment Having shared the first two links, this one seems apropos as well. “At the end of 2021, I deleted all of my social media. Not just deactivated but full on nuked it as I described to a friend. I felt like Joseph running from Potiphar’s … Continue reading A La Carte (November 30)