A La Carte (May 5)

Grace and peace to you! I scoured the Internet yesterday, as I usually do, and found some links I thought you’d enjoy. Here they are… (Yesterday on the blog: Grownups Aren’t Afraid of Shadows) An Interview with Paul on What’s Wrong with Us Justin Taylor looks to Romans 1 to put together an interview with the Apostle Paul. God Saves to Make Much of Himself — Doesn’t That Lessen His Love? John Piper: “God’s love for you, which makes much of you for his glory, is a greater love for you than if he ended by making much of you. If he just made much of you as your greatest treasure rather than him as your greatest treasure, if he did everything he could do to help you feel like a treasure rather than helping you feel like he’s the greatest treasure, he would not love you so much.” Does John’s Last Supper Chronology Differ from the Other Gospels? So why does John’s chronology of the Last Supper differ from the accounts of the other gospels? This article answers. Persistence in Unanswered Prayer Prayer is a great privilege of the Christian, yet it also “presents some of the greatest challenges for the believer, especially the challenge of many seemingly unanswered prayers. Thus faithful Christians often wonder, Why isn’t God answering me? Why does it seem like my prayers are hitting the ceiling and bouncing back down to me? Is there a sin in my life that I am unaware of and could that be the … Continue reading A La Carte (May 5)