A La Carte (June 9)

Good morning, at last, from downtown Recife. I look forward to spending the weekend with Primeira Igreja Presbiteriana do Recife. (I’ll be speaking to a men’s group there this evening at 7; if you’re a man and live in the area, feel free to attend.) Blasphemy Then and Now Carl Trueman examines charges of blasphemy against Monty Python then and now. “Opponents of blasphemy then and of blasphemy now share something in common: a concern to protect that which is sacred. But that is where the similarity begins and ends. Old-style blasphemy involved desecrating God because it was God who was sacred. Today’s blasphemy involves suggesting that man is not all-powerful, that he cannot create himself in any way he chooses, that he is subject to limits beyond his choice and beyond his control.” How to Distinguish the Holy Spirit from the Serpent Sinclair Ferguson turns to John Owen to explain how to distinguish very different kinds of promptings. The Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Leadership “He who rules over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God.” —2 Samuel 2:23 (Sponsored Link) How Much Should Pastors Make? John Piper considers pastors and their salaries. You Can Be Right and Wrong Simultaneously “I’m sure you can relate to this experience. You’re in a discussion with someone, and they say something incorrect. It’s important enough that it should be set straight. So you begin to interact calmly, identifying their error and offering the correct understanding of the matter. But it’s not … Continue reading A La Carte (June 9)