A La Carte (June 7)

May the God of love and peace be with you today. It’s Zondervan who is headlining today’s list of Kindle deals. (Yesterday on the blog: Prayers That God Will Not Answer) Fantastic Fireflies (Video) The John 10:10 Project continues its stellar series of videos on the wonders of God’s creation. God’s Sovereignty, Our Suffering, and Robots “Christianity faces a tough question regarding the conflict between the Bible’s claim toward God’s sovereignty and our suffering. This question can be asked in a variety of ways—from skeptics’ challenges (‘How can you say there is a God?’) to saints’ laments (‘Why God, why?’). In this article, written more to the saint than to the skeptic, I’d like to address one weak answer to this question and offer three better ones.” The First Lesson of Prayer “Prayer is essential to our spiritual lives. That’s probably not a surprise to anyone. But what is a surprise is how many of us think we are terrible at praying.” J.A. Medders addresses this well. Heap burning coals on his head? What does the Bible mean when it speaks of heaping burning coals on a person’s head? This article offers a plausible explanation. The Miseducation of the Pastor “When it comes to theological education, this means most students enter seminary thinking that what they need above all is to master theological truths, when what they chiefly need is to be mastered by these truths. To say this another way, what seminary students most need to learn is the way of life that emerges … Continue reading A La Carte (June 7)