A La Carte (December 6)

Good morning, my friends. Grace and peace to you today. (Yesterday on the blog: Lost Is Her Treasure But Where Is Her Trust?) The Letter of the Law? In this one, Chris Hutchinson means to show that “the spirit” and “the letter” of the law are not two competing ways of reading the Bible. When You’re Weary of Doing Good Work Lauren Washer says, “Sometimes I grow weary of doing good, and I wonder if maybe you can relate. But here’s the thing: we’re not supposed to give up on the good work in front of us. God’s people aren’t allowed to be quitters. If we are in Christ, we are in it for the long-haul. And guess what? We’re not actually very good at this. (Well, maybe you are, and if you are, praise the Lord. But me? It doesn’t come naturally).” Can Christians Be Under A Curse? I have known many people who have been concerned that they may be under a curse. Mario Peter addresses that fear in this article from Equip Indian Churches. Engaging CT’s Piece on “Side B Christians” Christianity Today recently ran a piece about “Side B Christians,” and Denny Burk engages with it in this article. 20 Years Here’s a reflection on what the Lord may do in a life over 20 years. We Don’t Waste Our Trials When We Pray to God Women may be the primary audience for this one, but it applies to us all. “Sisters, let’s strive to become women who pray, women who … Continue reading A La Carte (December 6)