A La Carte (April 5)

The God of love and peace be with you today. Logos users will want to grab the free book and at least consider the nearly-free ones. (Yesterday on the blog: Don’t Waste the Days When You Feel Little Need for God) The Mustard Seed Mum: Pressured to be perfect? Ruth Clemence: “The start of being a good parent is realising that your performance is not being measured against anyone else. It’s not a competition, even if it feels like it.” Is There Such Thing As Random? “We don’t choose our moments of suffering, or the times we are pressed into service; they usually come on suddenly and without warning.” Cara reminds us that God orchestrates perfect timing. What Is Transgenderism? Here’s an article from Rosaria Butterfield on transgenderism. “Transgenderism emerged from this feminist political rejection of the creation ordinance that says God made human beings male and female, so their biological sex and not their internal feelings determines their maleness or femaleness. Transgenderism, instead, argues that our internal sense of self is what makes us men or women.” Speechless “Deathly pale in light of the vision. No strength. Alone and overwhelmed to the point of exhaustion, Daniel drops. Face to the ground. Powerless. Speechless. Unable to breathe. And the Lord responds to His servant. With tenderness and strength.” Touch This Tree and You’ll Want to Die Gene Veith writes about an actual tree that, if you touch, you’ll deeply regret it. He also draws a spiritual lesson from it. I Remember Andrea Sanborn reflects on … Continue reading A La Carte (April 5)