A La Carte (April 18)

Grace and peace to you on this fine Easter Monday (which is a holiday in these parts). There is a very long list of Kindle deals available today. (Yesterday on the blog: Why Should We Try To Add One Stitch To a Finished Garment?) We Should Talk About Disney Trevin Wax tells how Disney’s current controversy is different from some other issues that appear similar. “In this case, it’s not about your Whopper with rainbow-colored wrapping, or the propriety of Pepsi taking a position on a particular piece of legislation. In those cases, the product from the organizations remains the same. Consumers may roll their eyes at the leftward virtue signaling or the TV commercials, but the Oreo remains the Oreo.” An Ordination Prayer I love a well-prepared prayer like this one, meant for an ordination. Earlybird Discount Ends April 3OTH For Radius Missiology Conference Join Alistair Begg, Kevin DeYoung & others June 29-30, 2022 @ Christ Covenant Church in Matthews, NC. RMC is a two-day conference with great—speakers, breakout sessions, missiology, and information on current missions. (Sponsored Link) Roman Road-Construction I recently came across this video which shows how Roman roads were made. Roman roads were made for traders and soldiers but also allowed missionaries to spread the gospel far and wide. Our Christian Terminology Is Built on the Old Testament Here’s an interesting look at something we may take for granted: “how the NT authors regularly draw on the OT to explain the key steps or aspects of personal salvation.” Totally Torn “It’s … Continue reading A La Carte (April 18)