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Visual Theology – The Order of Salvation

Visual Theology
If you have read this blog for any length of time, and especially the daily A La Carte posts, you know that I’ve got a thing for infographics. What appeals to me about them is their ability to display information visually. Just as there are many words that can be used to describe any one fact, there are also many ways to display facts. [Update: There is now a Visual Theology website.]

Today I’ve got an infographic for you, and one that I is going to kick off a series called “Visual Theology”–an attempt to display theology using a combination of words and pictures. I have asked one designer to take a shot at displaying the ordo salutis, which is to say, the order of salvation, which refers to the sequence of conceptual steps involved in the salvation of the Christian. I will let the graphic explain it from here.

The Order of Salvation

Visual Theology Store

You can also download this infographic in a high-quality PDF (10 MB).

If you have other ideas for theological infographics, please feel free to leave a comment.

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