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Visual Theology – The Attributes of God

Visual Theology
A couple of weeks ago I released the first infographic in a series I am titling “Visual Theology.” What I appreciate about infographics is their ability to display information visually. Just as there are many words that can be used to describe any one fact, there are also many ways to display facts. [Update: There is now a Visual Theology website.]

Today I have the second infographic in the series, one that focuses in on the attributes of God. When we talk about God’s attributes we do so to answer questions like Who is God? and What is God like? It is the way we seek to wrap our minds around just little fragments of who this God is. We have sought to represent some of that in this graphic (which, incidentally, would probably make quite a nice desktop background).

The Attributes of God

Visual Theology Store

You can also download this infographic in a high-quality PDF (8 MB). As with the last infographic, you are free to print it, copy it, distribute it, and so on. Just don’t sell it, please.

If you have other ideas for theological infographics, please feel free to leave a comment.

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