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Free Desktop Wallpaper Calendars: June 2011

Resources Collection cover image

Welcome to June! To welcome you to this new month, I’ve got a great batch of desktop wallpapers for you to download to your computer, cell phone, tablet or anything else that needs some prettying up. Each of these has been designed by a reader of this site who is a graphic designer. I think this may be our best batch of wallpapers yet. And each one is free for the download.

A few notes: 320 x 480 is for your iPhone; 1024 x 1024 is for your iPad; your desktop or laptop may take any of the other sizes depending on your monitor size and a host of other considerations. If you’re not sure of the size, just find one that looks like it would be pretty much the same size as your screen. Generally you set one of these are your wallpaper by clicking on the link to the image, then right-clicking on the image (once it’s open) and selecting “Set as Background,” “Set as Desktop Background,” or something similar. If you aren’t sure, post a comment and we’ll try to help you figure it out.

I am doing something new this month and featuring one designer–a new tradition I hope to carry on in the months to come. This month’s featured designer is Eric Novak.


Flowers of the Field

Created by Eric Novak from Chicago, IL. Matthew 6:28-29 doesn’t point us to a worldview of sloth, Paul condemns that in 1 Timothy 5:8. It does, however, point us towards a radical trust in God for all our needs…

Flowers of the Field

Interview with Eric

Tell me a little bit about yourself–where you live, where you go to church, and so on.

My name is Eric Novak and I live just north of Chicago. Generally when people ask where I’m from, I default to the nearest big city so they can place me on the map, but realistically I’m up north of Chicago in the dying farmland of Illinois. I’m part of a great Christian body with a theologically sound name: Trinity Community Church. I was raised in Illinois and it’s where I started, Latitude821 an online publishing company with the goal of encouraging and building up Christians through articles relevant to their daily lives.

(continued below)

Boundaries & Seasons

Created by Ruth Mar, Kirkland, WA. I always think of June as a month of change — be it students graduating and scattering for the summer or the coming of summer itself. Yet none of these changes happen outside the control of our unchanging Creator.

Boundaries and Seasons

I Am the Vine

Created by Jessy Spencer from Coeur d’Alene, ID.

I Am the Vine

The Harvest

Created by Anna Cirlot from Gautier, MS. I’ve been thinking a lot about global missions lately and praying. I hope you will too.

The Harvest


Created by Harold Sikkema from Hamilton, Canada. More of the fruits of the earth – or in this case (grass)roots of the earth – lending their textural nuance towards the conceptual service of God, through suspension in water and (digital) light.


New Creation

Created by Jason Walters from Oxford, OH.

New Creation

Not Return Empty

Created by Rina Kroes from Seattle, WA. The sacred truth of God’s Word is accompanied by divine energy and never fails to achieve its aims. The power of the gospel of Christ, the Eternal Word of God, produces spiritual change in our hearts.

Not Return Empty

God Who Makes Things Grow

Created by Sam Baynham from Ottawa, Canada. This June wallpaper displays a beautiful example of our Lord’s hand working in His creation, by causing His plants to grow.

God Who Makes Things Grow

Grace to You

Created by Kristina Hansen IL. I’ve been incredibly blessed by God via John MacArthur’s faithful ministry to the body and since his birthday is this month I thought I’d feature a fantastic quote by him about the grace given to us because of Christ’s work on the cross.

Grace to You

Pray Then Like This

Created by Daniel Spencer. I was designing a cover for a study guide to the Lord’s Prayer about a month ago, and really liked the way the vector conversion of the statue of Jesus praying turned out. I decided a wallpaper focused on praying like Jesus taught would be a great reminder (and memory tool) for Christians all over the world. (Who read English!)

Pray Then Like This

Surpassingly Fair

Created by (name not included).

Surpassingly Fair

Psalm 139

Created by Denise from West Midlands, UK.

Psalm 139

Summer Vacation

Created by Aaron Wilson from Little Rock, AR. This design uses a photo I took last summer of the big ferris wheel at Navy Pier in Chicago. My son & I took this great road trip to Chicago last June to celebrate my 40th & my son’s 10th birthday.

Summer Vacation

Omnipotence Has Servants Everywhere

Created by Michael Davenport from Mebane, NC. This is such a tremendous reminder for Christians as we face the trials of life; when it seems God is not near; when it seems that He is not hearing the cries of our heart.

Omnipotence Has Servants Everywhere

The Word of God Stands

Created by Jessica Hardesty from Morgantown, WV.

The Word of God Stands

A Father’s Day Commission

Created by Zack Kirby from Raleigh, NC. Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love. 1 Cor. 16:13-14.

Fathers Day Commission

Enduring Love

Created by Kelsi Dightman (age 11).

Enduring Love

(interview continued)

How did you get involved in graphic design?

I owe my design skills to my mother first. She worked as a professional graphic designer for a number of years and handed me the torch so-to-speak. She also allowed me enough space to grow in the field, so that my design has become really unique. I also owe my design skills to my love of C.S. Lewis and his Chronicles of Narnia. I read the books around nine, but around fifteen, I become really interested in them and joined a online forum where many graphics were needed for various project. This really allowed me to improve my design skills in a positive environment.

How does being a Christian influence you as a graphic designer? What difference does it make?

Graphic Design is a creative field and creativity is a gift from God – so when I’m really spiritually charged, my design is a lot better than if I’m not studying the word, praying and having a active spiritual life. On the other hand, design is usually a transitioning medium – you’re trying to pull someone into an article or resource with your design. It’s generally the writing that actually has the great spiritual meaning and the graphic that serves as a catalyst to get people there. This is why I write a lot as well. Working with you on the wallpaper project for the past few months has also lead to incorporating a lot more scripture into my designs and working off of the Bible as my concept rather than just a few random words or the title of an article.

What are some of your favorite books (I just can’t resist asking everyone this question)?

This is a really tough question because I’ve read so many books and there are just too many fantastic ones out there to list. I recently finished and really enjoyed, A Severe Mercy, by Sheldon Vanauken – funny because the first three chapters of the book really confused me and made me wonder where Vanauken was taking the story. I’m also enjoying, Dug Down Deep, by Josh Harris. It’s been really applicable and confirming. If I had to pick a favorite book, just something to put on the top of my list, I’d have to go with Lewis’ The Last Battle. It’s kind of hard to top, “Further up and further in!”

And that’s that. If you are an artist, photographer or graphic designer and would like to participate next month, just go ahead and contact me and I’ll tell you all you need to know. Beginning next month we will also be giving away a prize to one of the designers.

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