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Best Commentaries on Leviticus

This page is current as of December 2023.

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Best Commentaries on Each Book of the Bible.

I had more difficulty sorting through the options for Leviticus than I had with any of the previous books. The top recommendation was very clear, but after that it was quite a bit more cloudy. In the end I chose commentaries that were recommended by multiple experts and that were both conservative and Evangelical in flavor.

Before turning to the expert recommendations, here is a recent commentary written by a trusted scholar that may be of interest. Because this volume is newly published, the commentators on the commentaries have not yet had opportunity to evaluate it. It would, though, come with my recommendation.

  • Kenneth A. Mathews – Leviticus: Holy God, Holy People (Preaching the Word). The PTW series is sermon-based and suitable to any kind of reader. (Amazon, Westminster Books)

And now, here are the expert recommendations:

Gordon Wenham – The Book of Leviticus (The New International Commentary on the Old Testament). The clear leader in the field is Wenham whose volume is recommended by every commentator on the commentaries. Jim Rosscup of the Master’s Seminary quotes Dan Phillips who says it is a “Sparkling, inviting and generally convincing effort at showing the modern meaning and relevance of Leviticus, based on the legitimate and inherent meaning of the text. [It is] indispensable for preaching or teaching, and rewarding for personal (serious) study.” Note that Wenham’s work on Genesis is also the most-recommended volume for that book. (Amazon, Westminster Books)

Mark Rooker – Leviticus (New American Commentary). Determining that Wenham’s was top of the class was quite simple; finding which commentaries to recommend subsequently proved much more difficult. Rooker’s work is widely praised and is the second I would add to a collection. Keith Mathison says, “Many of the commentaries in the NAC series are strong, and Rooker’s work on Leviticus is a good example. It is both exegetically thorough and well written.” High praise, indeed. (Amazon, Logos)

John Currid – A Study Commentary on Leviticus (Evangelical Press Study Commentary). Currid’s volume has not been as widely reviewed as many of the others. However, Derek Thomas says of it, “Clearly and cogently presents Leviticus as a series of directories for public worship and establishes the importance of Leviticus for the NT. Especially helpful on the Holiness Code.” I love Currid’s work because I consider him especially conservative and trustworthy. (Amazon, Logos)

R.K. Harrison – Leviticus (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries). The Tyndale Old Testament series is intended to be concise. Harrison’s volume reflects that concision with a page count of only 254. The series is not only concise, but also very readable, so this may well be the best choice for someone who wants only one commentary, and one that is written with a general audience in mind. At the very least, it may well be a great place to begin to get an overview of the book. (Amazon)

John E. Hartley – Leviticus (Word Biblical Commentary). It is hardly possible to find a review of any volume in the Word Biblical Commentary series that does not reference its unfortunate and annoying layout. Nevertheless, Hartley’s work comes recommended by several of the experts (who tell you to just try to work around that layout). This is the one volume John Piper recommends in his one-commentary-per-book round-up. (Amazon, Westminster Books, Logos)

Because Andrew Bonar’s commentary is quite old it falls outside the boundaries of the top-5 I am recommending. However, it is considered an exceptional volume and one that is very much worthy of a place in your collection. C.H. Spurgeon was apparently especially fond of it (Amazon, Westminster Books). Finally, I am fond of the Preaching the Word series. Though I was not able to find many reviews of Kenneth Matthew’s Leviticus: Holy God, Holy People, I would expect it to be well worth reading (Amazon, Westminster Books).

Let me close with a question: What are your preferred commentaries on Leviticus? Are there some you’ve found particularly helpful or are there some we would do well to avoid?

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