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Living in a Fallen World

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Living in a Fallen World is a new series of booklets published by Day One Publications. I have been looking forward to seeing this series and was glad to have the first 8 show up in the mail today. The publisher says they are “small booklets that provide biblical help and practical guidance to people who find themselves in difficulties because of living in a fallen world.” And that about sums it up. Each one is printed in a small format and weighs in at just about 64 pages. They are priced to be bought and sold in bulk–$3.50 each at retail pricing. They are exactly the kind of books you’d want to have available to you at church–short, biblical and inexpensive enough to give away.

You can visit this page to check out the series and to purchase any volumes that interest you.

Here are the 8 booklets available immediately:

HelpHelp! I Have Breast Cancer by Brenda Frields – The sense of shock at receiving a diagnosis of breast cancer is very real. Once the shock wears off, your mind seems to explode with questions. Am I going to need chemotherapy and radiation? Am I going to be disfigured by a surgical procedure? Who will take care of my family while I’m ill? Am I going to die? Is God punishing me? This honest account of a personal battle with breast cancer gently helps you to confront your fears, doubts, and worries, and points you toward the solid hope that is in Jesus Christ, who alone can provide peace and strength to face the future.

HelpHelp! My Baby Has Died by Reggie Weems – The greatest grief any parent can endure is the death of a child. No other human experience compares to it. Words are insufficient to describe the emotion. This booklet is offered as encouragement from one fellow sufferer to another. It is brief and will not answer every question about your experience or your baby. But it does answer one very important question. There is indeed a God, and he is faithful and worthy of your trust, even now—especially now. He is the eternal, inextinguishable hope for grieving families.

HelpHelp! He’s Struggling With Pornography by Brian Croft – This is an unprecedented time. Sexually explicit material is more readily available now than ever before, and a struggle with pornography is often the greatest snare for a Christian man today. Though Christians have been transformed by faith in our Savior Jesus, we are harmed by our sex-saturated culture. So how can a Christian man find victory over pornography? This booklet presents the only true solution: God’s power working through the gospel within the context of the local church.

HelpHelp! My Marriage Has Grown Cold by Rick Thomas – When two people choose to live in marriage for the rest of their lives, there will be challenges to work through. The transformation from two independent people to a one-flesh, other-centered union is not easy. Perhaps you are finding that your relationship that began so warmly has started to turn cold. Where can you turn for help? This booklet offers practical counsel from the Bible, helping you to work through marriage challenges in a God-honoring way.

HelpHelp! My Spouse Has Been Unfaithful by Mike Summers – You never dreamed this would happen, but you are reeling from the news that your spouse has been unfaithful. You don’t know what to do. The emotions you are feeling are intense. Betrayal, rejection, bitterness, despair—these turn your life into a lonely journey. You stand at a crossroads: the decisions you make now will impact the rest of your life. Where can you turn? This booklet can assist you as you navigate your way through this painful time. The perspective and hope offered here come from God’s Word. What God has to say to you in your crisis is powerful and practical.

HelpHelp! My Toddler Rules the House by Paul & Karen Tautges – We live in a society dominated by child-centered parenting. A typical walk through a shopping mall, or local grocery store, often reveals this sad truth. The almost incessant whining and misbehavior of out-of-control children leads the discerning person to ask, “Just who is in charge anyway?” In this book, the seasoned parents of ten children provide frazzled moms and dads with practical counsel for bringing order to their home. What’s the key? Instilling respect for God-given authority at an early age. How can this be done? By the faithful application of firm, loving discipline. Here is sound, practical counsel for today’s parents.

HelpHelp! Someone I Love Has Been Abused by Jim Newheiser – Abuse is a growing problem, and those who have been abused need help. This booklet equips the reader to offer compassionate biblical counsel to a victim of abuse. As well as providing practical instruction on how to help the victim gain safety and deal with the abuser in a biblical way, it points to the victory possible in Jesus Christ, who was abused for his people and who has compassion on all hurting people who turn to him. .

HelpHelp! Someone I Love Has Cancer by Deborah Howard – If you have just heard that someone you love has been diagnosed with cancer, you may be feeling numb. Maybe you can’t believe the diagnosis. Where do you turn for help? This booklet provides some practical information on cancer and the choices you will face, but, most importantly, it also points you to Jesus Christ, the only One who can give you real comfort at this time.

If you’d like to see the format, you can click here to read an extract from Help! My Spouse Has Been Unfaithful.

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