When God Goes Big And I Go Small

The Bible often speaks in broad words, in great sweeping statements. We often observe so little nuance in its words, so few exceptions to its commands. As we read the Bible we come across statements like these: In so many cases and in so many ways the Bible speaks in black and white terms. It so seldom lays out exception clauses. “Love your neighbor unless or until…” “Honor your father and your mother except…” I have been writing, teaching, and preaching for quite a long time now and along the way I’ve made an interesting observation. Whenever I write or speak about these kinds of commands, I immediately face questions about the “what if” scenarios. If I preach about forgiveness I know that immediately after the sermon someone will ask, “But what if I faced abuse?” If I write about anxiety someone will right away ask, “But what about my anxiety disorder which has been officially diagnosed?” If I speak about honor someone will say, “Ah, but you’ve never met my parents and have never seen what they are like.” I am sympathetic with these concerns, of course. I have raised many of these questions myself. And often, as we dig deeper into the Bible, we find there are exceptions and there are nuances. God gives us his commands but also gives us wisdom to apply them in all the intricacies of life—especially life in a messy, sin-stained world. Do we always have to forgive? I don’t think that’s possible, though I am convinced we … Continue reading When God Goes Big And I Go Small