When the Power Goes Out – I enjoyed reading this: “I’m in Los Angeles at Grace Church for the Shepherds’ Conference along with 3,000-plus other pastors, and mid sermon the power went out. The place went black with only emergency lights dimly shining in the cavernous brick auditorium that is Grace Church. What did John MacArthur do? He grabbed a flashlight and just kept on preaching…”
In Praise of Long Pastorates – H.B Charles Jr.: “I still believe it is best for pastors and congregations when a man plants his flag and determines to serve a local church for the long haul.”
Four Reasons for Addictions – Ed Welch describes four different kinds of addicts.
Buying Your Way to the Bestseller List – I appreciate Jared Wilson’s take on people who use various techniques to buy their way onto the bestseller lists.
15 Pointers for Preachers – There is lots of wisdom in these 15 pointers for preachers.