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A La Carte (June 26)

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Wise Words from a Father – Be sure to read this one! “This past week, my friend Josh Etter and his wife Kate just had a little girl. I thought that I would send write a few thoughts to Josh just to encourage him in this often daunting task of being a dad raising a daughter. I hope it is encouraging. It is pretty simple but here are a few pieces of advice from a guy whose girls are now grown up.”

Kenzie Dancing – Speaking of dads and girls, this video is really sweet.

The Pointlessness of Unplugging – A cheap shot at the Puritans aside, this is quite a good article on unplugging from digital devices.

Offside Confusion – If you’re watching the World Cup and are trying to figure out what offside is all about, this will help.

Marital Advice – Mark Altrogge shares 4 of the best pieces of marital advice he has ever heard.

Photo Contest – The 26th annual National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest is under way, and entries will be accepted for just one more week. Here are some of the best photos so far.

A Gender-Confused World – Here’s some sound counsel on speaking to your children about modern conceptions of gender.


Any theology that does not lead to song is, at a fundamental level, a flawed theology.

—J.I. Packer

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