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A La Carte (June 17)

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Open Letter to a Daughter-in-Law – This is a really sweet letter from a grandmother-to-be to her daughter-in-law. A taste: “Your calling will be to love your baby boy like Jesus loves him. And that will entail a million little self-sacrifices, dying again and again to yourself over the course of the rest of your life.”

Tone of Voice – Lore Ferguson offers some good thoughts on tone of voice both online and offline.

How Old Were You? – Here’s an account of the heartbreaking hashtag #HowOldWereYou. (As for me, I was eleven when the school janitor began trying to groom me.)

It’s Abuse, Not an Affair – Related to the last link: I missed some hashtag activism late last week in response to an article in Leadership Journal. Ed Stetzer summarizes and tells why it matters.

Abdella Abraham Ascol—A Tribute – Tom Ascol has a powerful tribute to his father.

Why Your Church Needs the Trinity – Sam Allberry: “Some things naturally belong together: Laurel and Hardy; Morecombe and Wise; bananas and custard; Star Trek and singleness. Most of us would probably not add to this list ‘Church and the doctrine of the Trinity.’” But we should…

Stories of My Dad – I love stories like these, from Ray Ortlund.


Are you too bad to receive grace? How could you be too bad to receive what is for the bad?

—David Powlison

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