Today’s Kindle deals include four solid titles from Crossway, all related to apologetics. There are two other books there as well.
Tim Keller Stepping Down as Redeemer Senior Pastor
“Later this year, Redeemer Presbyterian will no longer be a multisite megachurch in Manhattan, and Tim Keller will no longer be its senior pastor.” Christianity Today reports.
“Saul the Persecutor” Did not Become “Paul the Apostle”
Greg Lanier addresses a common misconception: “A ‘sticky’ misconception I keep coming across both in the church world and in the seminary world is the notion that God (or, specifically, Jesus) changed the name of a certain figure of importance that we now typically refer to as ‘St. Paul.’”
Lights, Camera … Word Bomb!
“I don’t get it. From the time The Gilgamesh Epic was written on clay tablets 5,000 years ago, until recent times, world literature got along fine without word bombs, and so did the movie business in its first five decades.” And yet today our movies are stuffed full of them.
A Stroke Freed Me to Redefine Beauty
Christianity Today: “Former model Katherine Wolf reveals how a nearly fatal experience altered her faith.”
The Hunt for the Perfect Shot (Video)
In this video you get to join a wildlife photographer in the hunt for the perfect shot. He’s clearly a phenomenal photographer.
Bruxy Cavey and The Bible
People living in this neck of the woods may be interested in this article on popular preacher Bruxy Cavey and his increasing disregard for the doctrine of Scripture.
Letter from a Concerned Church Member
Jared Wilson shares a could-be-true letter from a concerned church member. And here is the pastor’s follow-up. And yes, things like this really do happen!
Beware of Ministry Shaming
Yes, do be aware of the tendency to elevate the ministry you most appreciate as more important than any other. ” We may let our passion for our particular ministry color our speech about it in a way that paints a picture of superiority that makes others feel shame for their ministry.”
Flashback: Four Kinds of People in the World
Tim Keller lays out the four kind of people in the world.