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A La Carte (3/15)

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Scandalous – Over at Discerning Reader we’ve got a review of D.A. Carson’s new book Scandalous. John Bird says, “In his inimitable style, Carson returns us to where we must forever dwell theologically: Christ’s cross and resurrection.”

Forgiveness – Near to home a police officer was shot and killed in the line of duty. I was moved to read of his wife (both the officer and his wife are believers) and her fight as she seeks to find the ability to forgive the murderer. ‘God has freely offered us forgiveness,’ she said at the packed sports arena where her husband coached their three sons in hockey. ‘To the best of my human ability, with God’s help, I will offer it as well. My hope and my prayer is that all of you will do the same. I know it’s what Vu would have wanted.”

Last Words – The Freakonomics blog writes about some analysis of the last words of criminals about to be executed. For example, “in 36 percent of the last statements, the inmate admits responsibility, and in 32 percent of the statements, the inmate expresses sorrow or seeks forgiveness from the victim’s family. In contrast, only 10 percent of the last statements were coded as criticizing the legitimacy of the death penalty.”

The iPad Paradox: Less is More – This article takes an interesting perspective on the limitations of the iPad. “For most users, having more features degrades experience. People suffer information overload and its ugly cousin, runaway gadget complexity. They’re harassed and annoyed, not by limitations, but by features they can’t find or figure out, and by problems they don’t understand. They feel a thrill when gadgets perform basic tasks without fail or hassle.”

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