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A La Carte (2/2)

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The Shack – Four Walls, Four Reviews
The Scriptorium offers four reviews of The Shack. Of particular interest, I think, is the one written by a literary snob as he deals well with one of the book’s most obvious shortcomings. “Papa, the woman who portrays God the Father, reflects on her tendency to love everybody by saying, ‘Guess that’s jes’ the way I is.’ And before the reader can finish rubbing his eyes in disbelief, three lines later Papa says ‘Sho’ nuff!’ Though he comes perilously close, Young at least manages to keep his God character from saying ‘I don’t know nothin’ ’bout rulin’ no universe!’”

Reflections on Young, Restless, Reformed
Collin Hansen offers some thoughts on what he would do differently if he were to start over in writing his book Young, Restless, Reformed.

Free Audio Book
This month’s free audio book is Not for Sale. “Award-winning journalist David Batstone reveals the story of a new generation of 21st century abolitionists and their heroic campaign to put an end to human bondage. In his accessible and inspiring book, Batstone carefully weaves the narratives of activists and those in bondage in a way that not only raises awareness of the modern-day slave trade, but also serves as a call to action.”

Are You Willing to be Hated?
A good article from Randy Alcorn. “It’s not our job to be popular. We are not contestants on American Idol. And we are not Christ’s speechwriters or PR team, airbrushing Jesus so He has greater appeal to people who don’t want to hear what He said about sin and hell. He’s the King, He calls the shots, we’re just His ambassadors. So let’s represent the real Jesus, the whole Jesus, not just the culturally acceptable one.”

Deal of the Day – Free Shipping
From now until Friday, Monergism Books will give you free economy shipping on orders over $25. Use this coupon code: challies0209.

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